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      New 60 cm thick padding for Oberstdorf
14-07-2024. Seven new mats of 60 cm thick are added to the amount of mats available at the Ice rink of Oberstdorf. Reason for this is the increasing number of skaters for the Oberstdorf Shorttrack Summercamp and the fact that more and more competitions are held in Oberstdorf. This winter a StarClass competition will be held here as well as the National Championships of Germany. With these new mats it is not necessary anymore to put a second layer of mats behind the padding at the outgoing curve. In the coming years the project will be continued to upgrade the padding adding new 60 cm mats.
      Extra padding for Summercamp
06-07-2024. As the number of people attending the Oberstdorf Shorttrack Summercamp is getting bigger every year and 2 ice rinks are in use at the same time for the training, it is also necessary to increase the number of mats available at the same time. For this  reason the Organising Comittee of the summercamp managed to get 20 extra mats for the summercamp. After cleaning, drying and repairing they were ready for transport to Oberstdorf. Thomas Beek from Oberstdorf came to Almere in the Netherlands to collect the wagonload of mats in order to bring them to Oberstdorf.
      In memoriam Gerard N'Guyen
01-06-2024. We just received the message that Gerard N'Guyen (France) has passed away (on the photo in the red jacket). Gerard was for many years Co-organiser of the Chamonix Shorttrack Summercamp together with Yves Deleglise and his wife. Gerard was volunteer in the organisation of the first worldchampionships shorttrack in 1981 in Meudon (Paris). After the worldchampionships he continued for many years in organising many international competitions with his club of Meudon. He was Co-founder of the Europacup for Juniors which developped into the Golden Sun Award Overall classification. Later he became chairman of the National Technical Committee shorttrack of the French Skating Federation  were he created very good contacts with all the other countries in Europe doing shorttrack. Gerard did a lot for the sport but in his own country France never got the credits what he should have had for all the work he did.
      Entry for 13th edition Oberstdorf Shorttrack Summercamp is open now
15-03-2024. From 3 - 10 August 2024 the 13th edition of the Oberstdorf Shorttrack Summercamp will be held. We expect that over 200 skaters will come to Oberstdorf to attend this event. Although it is still very early the entry for the Summercamp has already been opened on the website We would like to ask everybody who has the intention to come to enter as quick as possible in order to help to Organising Committee to make long-term planning for all activities. Untill the begining of july you always can make changes in the entry. All entered skaters will receive a password to login on the special questionnaire-form for making all kinds of reservations. We do hope to see you all back again in Oberstdorf for the 13th edition of the Oberstdorf Shorttrack Summercamp.

Shorttrack club Kristallijn Gent donates padding

01-08-2020. Shorttrack club Kristallijn Gent donated their old padding to the Oberstdorf Shorttrack Summercamp as they have received a complete new set of padding of international standard for the Icerink in Gent. Thanks to this support of STKG the problem of enough padding and the safety in training and competition of the Oberstdorf Shorttrack Summercamp is solved. The club, of which many members every year come to the Oberstdorf Shorttrack Summercamp has a new boarding padding in Gent now and they decided to donate the old padding (still in good quality) to the summercamp. In the week before the summercamp 2020 a truck with driver from Oberstdorf came to Gent and all the STKG members where helping to load the van. On behalf of all participants of the summercamp we would like to thank STKG for their support.