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  9. 20-07-2024. As there is a lot of administration to do before the start of the Summercamp we request all attendants to fill in the Questionnaire & Entry Form and do the payment of the Entry Fee before Wednesday 24 July 2024. Information how to do this can be found in Bulletin-02.  
  8. 20-07-2024. Bulletin-03 Request for Volunteers is now published on the page Bulletins.  
  7. 18-07-2024. Bulletin-02 Questionnaire & Entry Form with the information for payment of the Entry fee is published now on the page Bulletins.  
  6. 18-07-2024. When paying the Entry fee by bank: ONLY put BOOKING NUMBER (4092-xxxx) and name of skater into the reference field of your bank account and no other text. Make for every skater a seperate payment by bank!  
  5. 18-07-2024. The Questionnaire & Entry Form is open now on the website on the page INFO/Entry  Procedure. Skaters/parents are requested to fill in this form and pay the Entry-fee by bank. See payment information in Entry form. Click on your name and use as password your birthdate in reversed order (yyyymmdd).  
  4. 14-07-2024. The Skaters Questionnaire & Entry form with also information for paying the Entry fee by bank will be published in a few days on the website on the page INFO/Entry Procedure.  
  3. 10-07-2024. Bulletin-01 Announcement with the updated announcement is published now on the page Info bulletins.  
  2. 07-07-2024. The entry for the Summercamp 2024 will close on the 7th of July. We request all skaters and clubs to check if the correct Best Season Times are in the database of Shorttrackonline. If this is not the case please correct this in the entry system for the Summercamp. After the entry has closed we will start preparing all information for the upcomming summercamp and will be published as soon as possible.  
  1. 01-01-2024. Welcome on the Mobile Website with daily information and urgent messages of the Oberstdorf Shorttrack Summercamp 2024. We advise you to make a link to this App on your mobile phone.